Cats are very cute, friendly and cuddly creatures that seek refuge with humans and expect love, care and even backrubs from their owners and this cat is no exception, see what he did here. Nala is a cat from a slum in Kenya that followed a man home and refused to leave, preferring the comfort of his home to staying on the streets, who wouldn’t?
The man in question, Nala’s soon to be owner went to Kenya to work for a Non- profit organization that caters to the needs of children and this cat came up to him looking for a home, the man gave him some food and Nala refused to leave and decided to take up residence with his human, soon enough, he began to thrive in an indoor environment with his owner, he had obviously been love-starved on the streets and needed all the care and attention he could get.
Watch the incredible story below:
just love Nala’s story and the love these two found in each other. Isn’t it wonderful!?