A birdcage was left outside when staff members at the Animal Aid shelter in Oakland Park, Florida, arrived in May. However, what was inside was a very thin and terrified female pit bull, not a bird.

The unfortunate abandoned dog seems to have been ignored for a very long time. Her skin was covered in abrasive sores due to a severe case of scabies. She seems to have given birth to several litters of puppies as well.

Regina Vlasek, the founder of the Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation, discovered about the pit bull’s story after shelter personnel posted pictures of the dog on Facebook. She immediately felt her heart tear.

Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation
Regina stated to The Dodo:

It moved me so much. He was so dejected that he did not even lift his head.

Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation
Regina got in touch with Animal Aid to ask whether she could give the puppy to them. She went to pick up the puppy they had named Birdie the following day after getting Animal Aid’s approval.

Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation
So Regina drove Birdie to the vet for a thorough examination. Birdie, who is thought to be approximately 3 years old, was discovered to have allergies to dust mites. He also developed a staph infection as a result of the skin lesions, which the doctor started treating right away.

Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation

Regina thinks Birdie’s prior owner abandoned her because of her health issues.

She uttered:

“I’d venture to say that the majority of individuals abandon their pets because they are unable to properly take care of their medical needs. It may be nearly overwhelming for folks who don’t have enough money.”

Saving Sage Animal Rescue Foundation