A dog was tossed from a moving automobile in Mexico, but it landed safely. Industrial electrician Oscar Rangel and his coworkers were having a really dull day. In order to make it easier for the automobiles to enter and depart, they had the vacant lot in front of the workshop cleaned the day before.
When a white truck passed in front of the workshop while they were still working, they threw something out the window into a mound of weeds that the machine had left behind after cleaning the field.
Post by Oscar Rangel on Facebook:
“A white California ranger box model automobile, manufactured between 1994 and 1998, drove by my place of employment. They then flung this dog out the window and into a deserted lot without pausing or slowing down. The good news is that he landed on top of a bunch of bush, which cushioned the impact and allowed him to escape unhurt but terrified.
However, they maintained their composure since Chalán, the name they gave the puppy, was healthy and unharmed. As a result, they fed and cleaned him. They were furious with the manner the individuals in the automobile had disposed of the puppy.
John said:
“We created him clothing and a safety vest here. We nearly stepped on him because of how short he is. We constructed him a little house after deciding to stay with him.
The employees put a safety vest on the infant so they wouldn’t tread on it because they couldn’t see it because they were too busy working.
The meaning of “Chalán” in various regions of Latin America, particularly in Mexico, is “helper to a person who conducts a craft,” such as a mason, painter, mechanic, etc. Hence the name of the puppy.
Now, Chalán is taken to the veterinarian by Oscar and his friends, who also keep him warm and even build him a tiny house out of love and commitment.
Oscar and his friends only wanted to demonstrate that the dog was OK in spite of the fact that a cruel individual attempted to harm him; they had no idea that posting the images of the puppy to Facebook would be so well received.